Protecting your thatch through the winter

Owning a thatched house in the country is the dream for a lot of people. This type of property is always in demand whenever one comes on to the market.

People owning this type of house know that it requires a lot of care and attention to maintain it. The roof is obviously the most important part of these kind of houses to look after.

Thatches can be expensive to repair if they are allowed to deteriorate into a poor state, so it is vital that owners have them checked on a regular basis and make sure any work that needs to be done on the roof is carried out swiftly and by an experienced professional.

During the winter it is clearly even more important that the thatch is maintained to a high standard, so it is a good idea to have a thorough inspection carried out ahead of the cold weather coming in.

Checks ahead of winter

Owners will already be aware that chimneys are often the cause of a fire in a thatched house, so it is vital households with this sort of roof ensure the chimneys are often checked.

Drain gratings also need to be kept clear so any excess water will run away – this can cause issues for the roof if water is allowed to build up, so this is a particularly important step.

Thatched house owners also need to make sure that they get any tanks or pipes insulated, although householders are reminded of the importance of leaving space below the water tank free so that warm air is able to circulate.

Homes with open fires ought to have their chimneys swept professionally at least twice a year, so perhaps it is a good move to have this done at the end of the summer before the winter months start to come in.

What thatch to use

There are three materials commonly used for thatched roofs in the UK and they are long straw, water reed and combed wheat reed, which each have their own distinct characteristics.

Homes in the south and the west of England will usually have a combed reed type roof, while water reed is the most expensive of the trio of materials but is widely believed to offer the best finish, as well as being the longest-lasting.

It is not unheard of for thatches to be able to last for as long as a hundred years as long as they are maintained by a highly skilled and experienced professional to a very high standard, so it is absolutely worth the extra money for a great thatcher, as they will be able to keep the roof intact.

There are believed to be around 60,000 thatched houses in the UK at the present time and most of these are located in the south of England. This type of home is always in demand when it comes on to the market due to the picture postcard looks of the properties.

Insuring a thatched house

One of the things people who own a thatched house need to think about is the type of insurance they are going to buy to protect the building.

Insurance for thatched properties from Certis is tailor made to suit the needs of a household, who can be assured the cover will protect them in the event of needing to make a claim.

Regular home insurance providers will often not be willing to insure a house with a thatched roof, so speaking to an experienced broker such as Certis can be a great first step towards getting the appropriate cover.